Bennett Trim Tabs and accessories are available at just about all marine retail dealers. Local, national chain stores, online retailers and mail order catalog marine equipment dealers will be happy to assist you in purchasing Bennett Marine products. See our interactive map to locate a distributor near you. Note that many of these distributors do not sell to the public but will be able to refer you to a local dealer.
Many factors affect the choice of trim tabs for your boat. Visit our sizing page to get the information to help you make your choice! Keep in mind that performance boats (40-60 mph) should use Performance Sport Tabs. Bass, flats, and other small boats with limited transom space should consider our M80 and M120 Sport Tabs. Also when making a choice between trim tab sizes, remember that the largest trim tabs that will comfortably fit on the transom will be the most efficient. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding your specific application.
Absolutely! While some boat owners may wish to have a dealer or boatyard install their trim tabs, just about anyone who is handy with a drill and screwdriver can install trim tabs. Bennett Marine designs trim tabs so that the average do-it-yourself boater can handle the installation in an afternoon. Depending upon the size and construction of the boat, it should take about 4 or 5 hours for installation.
Bennett Trim Tab systems carry a five (5) year limited warranty against manufacturing and workmanship defects. Bennett electronics (Tab Position Indicator, Electronic Indicator Control, Auto Tab Control, Auto Tab Retractor,) carry a three (3) year limited warranty.
View the full warranty information.
Note: Damage to the trim tabs due to electrolysis is not covered by warranty. For more information, select the “How to protect your trim tabs from electrolysis.” panel below.
We take great pride in providing the best customer service possible. A call to Bennett Marine regarding warranty or troubleshooting will result in your satisfaction. If you have a component in need of warranty replacement simply return it with a note of instruction that includes your name, address, telephone and email contact. Mail to:
Bennett Marine
Attn: Warranty Exchange
550 Jim Moran Blvd.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
There is an option for you – the “short” actuator. The short actuator’s overall closed length measures 11.75 inches so it can mount lower on the transom. It is 2 inches shorter than the standard actuator that measures 13.75 inches. If you need short actuators for your installation, contact Bennett Marine to arrange a no-charge exchange of your standard actuators.
Use any type of Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF). Don’t worry about the exact brand or type – it will all work, and can even be mixed. To add fluid, remove the Lexan cover on the HPU, locate the “filler stack” in the left front corner of the reservoir. There is a round plug sealing the filler stack. Remove the plug and add fluid to the full line on the reservoir. Note: Add fluid only with the trim tabs fully retracted (up). If your reservoir does not have a full line, add fluid so the fluid level is about 1 inch below the top of the reservoir with the trim tabs fully retracted (up). Your Bennett Trim Tab system should not need refilling for several seasons.
On a 12 volt system use a 20 amp (24 volt will use 10 amp) in-line fuse on the power lead to the helm control.
To provide protection from electrolytic corrosion, a zinc anode must be applied to each tab. The zinc must make direct contact with the stainless steel. Do not ground trim tabs to other underwater appendages.
See “How do I paint my trim tabs” below if you plan to paint with anti-fouling paint.
The secret to getting anti-fouling paint to adhere to your trim tabs is proper priming, and the best people to tell you what to do are the experts at the company that makes your anti-fouling paint. We strongly suggest that you contact the paint manufacturer and tell them you are painting “304 stainless steel” trim tabs, then follow their recommendations to the letter! Remember, don’t paint under the zincs.
On smaller boats, it is usually easy to tell where the trim tabs are by visually sighting the horizon. Basically, you “feel” the boat’s attitude. However, on larger boats, particularly those with raised helm locations, it is a bit harder to tell where the trim tabs are. For more precise control, Bennett offers three indication options:
Adding the Tab Position Indicator (TPI) will provide you with accurate, easy-to-read indication of your trim tab position at all times. Using the Tab Position Indicator also will allow you to easily repeat the settings that are best for your boat.
On boats equipped with Adding the NMEA 2000® compatible electronics, you can display trim tab position on your GPS/chartplotter or sonar. Our NMEA 2000 Indicator Kit easily plugs into NMEA 2000® networks. Contact your electronics manufacturer for questions regarding compatibility with NMEA 2000® electronics.
Finally, consider our Electronic Indicator Control (EIC5000). This combines three features into one – precise manual control, trim tab indication and the Auto Tab Retractor. Like the Tab Position Indicator, it is waterproof, highly accurate and features variable intensity LEDs for night or day. With the Auto Tab Retractor feature, just turn off your ignition switch and your tabs automatically retract.
You can find troubleshooting information in our installation manuals section, video gallery, or by calling our tech team at 866-894-1626 option #3.